How to Set Up SSH Passwordless Connection

How to Set Up SSH Passwordless Connection

Connecting to remote servers quickly and securely is important for many tasks. Setting up SSH passwordless connections can help you do this without entering a password each time. It would be helpful to automate tasks such as cloning and more.

SSH Passwordless Connection Objective:

  • Create SSH key pairs.
  • Copy your public key to the remote server.
  • Connect to your remote server without a password.

What is ssh:

SSH stands for Secure Shell, allowing connection to another machine over a network. It provides a secure way to remotely access and control another machine. It ensures the safety of your data, preventing anyone from seeing what is happening.

  • Security
  • Convenience
  • Automation


  • ssh install in both systems (local and remote machine)
  • Access both servers
  • Basic knowledge of Linux command

SSH Passwordless Connection Action Plan: 

Step 1:

Open the terminal and connect to the user ex: “Oracle” in your local machine.

Step 2:

Now we need to create a pair of SSH keys on your local machine


Enter the file in which to save the key (/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa):

leave the default location (empty) you can press Enter to skip it 

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

Do you want to enter the passphrase you can enter in my case I am leaving the default (empty) you can press Enter to skip it.

SSH keys on your local machine

Step 3:

Verify the Public key and private key.

ls -ltr .ssh/

Notice this name ‘’ this is the public key.

public key.

Step 4:

Copy the Public key to a remote server  Enter your username and remote server IP

ssh-copy-id username@<remote_host_ip>

Copy the Public key to a remote server

Step 5:

Verify the public key in the Remote server in the ‘.ssh’ directory, Change your path 

cat /home/oracle/.ssh/authorized_keys

Verify the public key in the Remote server

Step 6:

verify the password-less connection, change your username and IP address

ssh username@<remote_host_ip>

verify the password-less connection

Now, we have successfully connected to the remote server from the local server using SSH without needing a password.

Thank you

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