Automating Run SQL Script Execution on Remote Servers with Bash

How to Automating Run SQL Script Execution on Remote Servers with Bash

This Bash Run SQL Script connects to multiple remote servers, runs a specified SQL script, and records the outcome. This is particularly useful for performing regular maintenance tasks across several database servers.

Objective :

  • Automate running SQL scripts on many remote servers.
  • Help database admins manage maintenance tasks efficiently.
  • Reduce manual work with automated script runs.
  • Centralize script execution and logging.

Prerequisites :

  • Access to a Linux-based server with SSH enabled.
  • Prepare your SQL script (rman_backup.sql) and place it at /home/oracle/sql file/rman_backup.sql
  • Basic knowledge of Bash scripting.

Note :

  • Navigate to the directory where the script is located.
  • you can change the user name to your requirement 
  • Customization: Modify the username (oracle) and ip’s (“” “” “”) to match your environment.
  • Understand each command before executing the script to ensure it fits your environment and requirements.


Example output :

  rman capture  script

script output

Script :

# Date: 30-June-2024
# Author: Krishna Tummeti
# Website: Tech Base Hub
# Purpose: Automating Run SQL Script Execution on Remote Servers with Bash
# List of remote server IP addresses
servers=("" "" "")
# Base directory for storing logs
# Path to the SQL script
# Loop through each server and execute the SQL script
for server in "${servers[@]}"; do
    echo "Connecting to the remote server $server"
    ssh oracle@$server << EOF > $base_dir/${server}_destination_server_data.txt 2>&1
    sqlplus -s / as sysdba << SQL
echo "Script is completed"
We have successfully executed the script and captured data from all remote servers.
Thank You

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